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Que la verdad demuestre su poderío
(Spanish) An analysis of the legacy of the Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and an examination of the proposal of a LGBT truth-seeking exercise.


Sub-versiones. A propósito de Los rendidos de José Carlos Agüero

(Spanish) A review of the memoir of Agüero, the son of two members of the Communist Party of Peru – “Shining Path” who lost their lives during the internal armed conflict.


Evidence, Postcard and Placard: Photography and Transitional Justice 

A comprehensive examination, with five historical examples, of the difficulties experienced by truth commissions established in post-conflict situations. The essays challenge a certain “check-the-box” mentality that has emerged in the field of transitional justice, and that applies the same methods and practices to fundamentally different contexts.


Drafting a Truth Commission Mandate. A practical Tool 

A revision of the key elements that are indispensable in the legal instruments establishing a truth commission, with practical examples from commissions around the world.


Where Are Truth Commissions headed?

A historical review of the evolution of truth commissions, since the Argentinian Commission on the Disappeared to recent commissions in Africa, which have large, ambitious and sometimes unwieldy mandates.


ijtjA Critique of Mahmood Mamdani’s Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics and the War on Terror

“A Critique of Mahmood Mamdani’s Saviors and Survivors: Darfur, Politics and the War on Terror” in International Journal on Transitional Justice. (2009)



Reformas institucionales como dimensión concreta de la reconciliación

“Reformas institucionales como dimensión concreta de la reconciliación” in Mo Bleeker, Javier Ciurlizza, Andrea Bolaños (Eds) El legado de la verdad: impacto de la justicia transicional en la construcción e la democracia en América Latina. in Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs – ICTJ, Bogotá. (2007)


The Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Challenge of Impunity cambridge

“The Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Challenge of Impunity” in Naomi Roht-Arriaza and Javier Mariezcurrena (eds) Transitional Justice in the Twenty-First Century. Beyond Truth versus Justice. Cambridge (2006)


The Contribution of the Peruvian Truth Commission to Prosecutions springer

“The Contribution of the Peruvian Truth Commission to Prosecutions” in William Schabas and Shane Darcy Truth Commissions and Courts. The Tension between Criminal Justice and the Search for Truth. Springer (2004)


Perspectivas teóricas sobre la justicia en las transiciones a la democracia aprodeh

“Perspectivas teóricas sobre la justicia en las transiciones a la democracia” in APRODEH, Peru 1980-2000: el reto de la verdad y la justicia. Lima (2001)


uicEl principio de complementariedad en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional y algunas de sus consecuencias en el ámbito interno

“El principio de complementariedad en el Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional y algunas de sus consecuencias en el ámbito interno” in Corcuera, Santiago and Guevara, José Antonio (comp.) Justicia Internacional. Universidad Iberoamericana. Mexico. (2001)


Conscription and Violence in Peru sage

An analysis of the ideologies of race and gender that pervade the institution of military draft in Peru, in the context of the border conflicts between Peru and Ecuador.

Latin American Perspectives, Vol 27, n. 3 (2000)
“Conscription and Violence in Peru”


salamanca  ¿Auténtica peruanidad? Transformaciones en el concepto de representación política en el Perú de Fújimori 

(Spanish) A critical analysis of the concept of political representation, examining the use of racial categories in Peruvian politics during the regime led by Alberto Fujimori (1990-2000)